CTLGFVER &$VER: snoopdos.catalog 0.29 (31.5.95) (NULL-MSGID) _Pausa _Disabilita _Nascondi _Esci Apri _Log... Append L_og Start L_og Serial L_og Chiudi _Log _Salva configurazione _Funzioni... _Configurazione... Stato _Ripristina _Cancella SnoopDos - Funzioni Solo _fallimenti Num. proc. CL_I Mostra _path completo Usa i nomi dei _device Monitor pac_kets Packet debu_gger Chiamate alla R_OM Ignora _Workbench/Shell FindPort FindResident FindSemaphore FindTask LockScreen OpenDevice OpenFont OpenLibrary OpenResource ReadToolTypes SendRexx DOS Packet Monitor ChangeDir Delete Execute GetVar LoadSeg MakeDir MakeLink Rename RunCommand SetVar System _Sistema _AmigaDOS Tutti Nessuno Selezionati _Match name Funzioni di sistema Funzioni AmigaDOS SnoopDos - Configurazione _Hide method Invisible Iconifica Tools Niente Open _window on Default Screen Front Screen Named Screen _Modo log Chiedi Aggiungi Sovrascrivi Porta seriale File _I/O Automatico Immediato Bufferizzato Scroll buffe_r (Kb) Formato _buffer Formato _log Hot_key N_omeSchermo File di l_og Window _font Buffer fon_t _Edit... Co_py Co_py SnoopDos Format Editor Available Fields Current Format Field _width Select a new gadget font Select a new buffer font Progetto Apri log... Chiudi log Pausa Disabilita Singola azione Priorit task Aiuto... Informazioni... Nascondi Finestre Mostra configurazione... Mostra funzioni... Mostra formati... Cambia larghezza finestra Migliore 78 colonne 79 colonne 80 colonne 130 colonne Row selection key Ignora Nessuno Shift Spaziatura testo Nessuna 1 pixel 2 pixels Tipo finestra Refresh semplice Refresh intelligente Target name Allineato a sinistra Allineato a destra Mostro la linea di stato? Mostro i gadgets? Apro automaticamente sull'output? Disablilito quando nascosto? Configurazione Carica... Salva Salva come... Valori predefiniti Ultimi valori salvati Ultima modifica Creo icone? Buffer Copia finestra su clip Copia buffer su clip Salva finestra... Salva buffer... Vuota buffer CallAddr Hunk:Offset Task ID Nome segmento #proc Nome processo Azione Target Name Opzioni FindPort FindRes FindSem FindTask LockScreen OpenDev OpenFont OpenLib OpenRes ToolType ToolValue SendRexx ChangeDir Delete *Delete Execute GetVar FindVar *Lock NewLoad MakeDir *MakeDir MakeLink *MakeLink *Open Rename *Rename to --> *to --> RunCommand SetVar KillVar System #STARTUP #GET_BLOCK #SET_MAP #EVENT #CUR_VOLUME #LOC_OBJECT #REN_DISK #FREE_LOCK #DEL_OBJECT #REN_OBJECT #MORE_CACHE #COPY_DIR #WAIT_CHAR #SET_PROTECT #CREATE_DIR #EXAM_OBJECT #EXAM_NEXT #DISK_INFO #INFO #FLUSH #SET_COMMENT #PARENT #TIMER #INHIBIT #DISK_TYPE #DISK_CHANGE #SET_DATE #SAME_LOCK #READ #WRITE #SCREEN_MODE #CHANGE_SIG #READ_RET #WRITE_RET #FINDUPDATE #FINDINPUT #FINDOUTPUT #SEEK #FORMAT #MAKE_LINK #SET_FILE_SIZE #WRITE_PROTECT #READ_LINK #FH_FROM_LOCK #IS_FILESYSTEM #CHANGE_MODE #COPY_DIR_FH #PARENT_FH #EXAM_ALL #EXAM_FH #EXAM_ALL_END #SET_OWNER #DOUBLE #FORCE #STACK #QUEUE #DROP #LOCK_RECORD #FREE_RECORD #ADD_NOTIFY #REMOVE_NOTIFY #SERIALISE_DISK #GET_DISK_FSSM #FREE_DISK_FSSM #(%ld) Missed Unknown Write Read??? Modify Ver %ld Unit %ld Size %ld Local Alias Global Single Batch Modulo non trovato Load settings file Save settings file !Select default log file or device Select new log file or device Save window contents as... Save buffer contents as... Error opening Settings window! Error opening Functions window! Error opening main window! ECouldn't allocate %ldK of memory for new buffer (this is impossible!) -Fatal error: couldn't install system patches. #Error opening format editor window! Error creating menus! "Error initialising user interface! &Error recreating gadgets after resize! Error opening font requester! Error opening file requester! Error saving settings file %s .File %s is not a valid SnoopDos settings file. )Error saving buffer contents to file %s! )Error saving window contents to file %s! Warning: another application is still executing the "%s" system function. I won't be able to fully quit until that application exits, but I won't bother you with any more requesters. rError opening diskfont.library! File and font requesters will be unavailable until diskfont.library is installed. iError opening asl.library! File and font requesters will be unavailable until asl.library is installed. Annulla Error opening log file -Can't find a screen for SnoopDos to open on! =Only fixed width fonts may be chosen for the buffer display. "Error copying window to clipboard! "Error copying buffer to clipboard! "Attenzione: Il file %s esiste gi Aggiungi|Sovrascrivi|Annulla &%s: Il comando richiede un parametro. %s: Comando fallito. &%s: Comando di SnoopDos sconosciuto. m%s. Monitors DOS and System activity. Usage: %s [SETTINGS=filename] [LANGUAGE=filename] [HELP] commands ... SnoopDos understands the following commands. Those marked * need a parameter. Most other commands can be prefixed by the word NO to reverse their effect. For additional AmigaGuide help on any command, type SNOOPDOS HELP . Comando sconosciuto: %s Comando fallito: %s Parametro mancante: %s AEnter SnoopDos command, EXIT to exit, or '?' for a command list. SnoopDos> !Controllo le attivit di sistema !Messo in pausa alle %ld:%02ld %s Disabilitato alle %ld:%02ld %s Notifico sul file %s Notifico sul device %s )Notifico sul debugger della porta seriale Salvo la configurazione su %s Carico la configurazione da %s Notifica di SnoopDos iniziata il %s, %s at %s Notifica di SnoopDos terminata alle %s SnoopDos disabilitato alle %s SnoopDos riabilitato alle %s >Can't open amigaguide.library v34. Thus, no help is available. OUnexpected error while accessing AmigaGuide. No help is available at this time. Errore di AmigaGuide: Non posso aprire il file di aiuto %s. Se vuoi avere disponibile l'aiuto in linea, copia questo file nell'apposita directory in HELP: SnoopDos.guide LINK MAIN LINK MainWindow LINK FunctionWindow LINK SettingsWindow LINK FormatEditor LINK Menu_Project LINK Menu_Windows LINK Menu_Settings LINK Menu_Buffer AmigaDOS and System monitor invalid Mostro SnoopDos Autore: Eddy Carroll (ecarroll@maths.tcd.ie) Nome porta ARexx: %s This release of SnoopDos may be freely distributed. It may not be commercially distributed without the explicit permission of the author. See the docs for more details. Full source code is available from any Aminet site as /pub/aminet/util/moni/snoopdos30_src.lha. (end)